Saturday, July 08, 2006

Travelogue : Brixen, Süd Tirol, Austria-Italy

Last week I had been in Brixen for a Summer school organised by my University. Brixen also called as Bressanone in Italian lies in the SüdTirol region in the border region of Italy and Austria. The region was formerly part of Austrian empire before the World War 1. After the WWII the region was ceded to Italy but the people were more inlined towards Austria, hence it was granted autonomous powers. For more about the history of this region check out this . The people there have their own language, so most of the places you find road signs and other public notices are written in German, Italian and Süd tirolian For more statistics and numbers about the place check out .

The region is a good ski destination in winters and in summers its even more popular among tourists who want to do some trekking in the Alps. Major towns of the region are Bozen/Bolzano, Brixen/Bressannone, Brennero etc. The closest biggest airport is the one on Innsbruck. For more tourism related information see this
Since most part of the week was raining, I could not take much snaps. However these are some of the good ones, I managed to click in the few hours of sunshine available.

Valley in the woods of the Alps

This one is taken in one of the small gardens in the town.


I loved this one, the effect of the clouds and sunshine beaming through was amazing.

Love, Emotions, Motivation

I took this one, while going up one of the hills. After speaking to the couple later on, I learnt that the lady was born in 1925 and the man is nearing his 90s. The old people mostly speak German with Austrian dialect, which I felt was close to the Bayerisch spoken in the south of Germany.


Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Hamza Hydri said...

thanks for the comment, shall try to keep it interesting enough